

Enactus Kazakhstan Expo unveils eco-friendly toys, AI games, and biohumus projects

The Enactus Kazakhstan National Expo 2024 exhibition took place in Astana from April 25 to 26, where more than 200 teams of students presented their innovative projects aimed at improving society and developing entrepreneurial skills, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.

Enactus is an international non-profit organization created by the USA in 1975. The goal of the Enactus organization is to develop business projects to achieve sustainable development goals.

The highlight of the event was the National Cup of Student Entrepreneurship, the winner of which receives the right to defend the honor of Kazakhstan at the international level.

The judges were business experts who evaluated teams on how successfully they had used business concepts to improve the quality and standards of life.

The projects presented at the event included using the California worm to recycle organic waste and produce biohumus fertilizer, crafting eco-friendly toys for children from recycled waste, and developing games that utilize AI to enhance critical and logical thinking.


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